BCSD Singapore and additional WBCSD Global Network partners launch white paper on efficient agriculture from a private sector perspective

BCSD Singapore and additional WBCSD Global Network partners in Indonesia, Philippines, and Vietnam, launches a new white paper titled “Efficient Agriculture, Stronger Economies in ASEAN – Private Sector Perspectives for Policy Makers” Jakarta, 26 April  2016: Private sector companies share real-world examples of already implemented best practices and propose recommendations to policy makers to scale up these business solutions in the agricultural sector in […]

Scaling up business solutions contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals: The corporate impact venturing approach

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which will shape the global development agenda from now until 2030, explicitly call on business to use creativity and innovation to address sustainable development challenges, such as poverty, gender equality, clean water, HIV/AIDS, access to energy, and climate change. Here at the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), we […]

WBCSD Releases Updated Global Water Tool for Sustainable Water Management

Today, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) is releasing an updated version of the Global Water Tool (GWT) with some of the most recent datasets, including water stress indicators from the World Resources Institute (WRI).  Geneva, 9 February 2015 –  This version introduces user-friendly options allowing easy import of existing data and improved GIS-based […]

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