ArcelorMittal accelerates its decarbonization with a €1.7 billion investment program in France, supported by the French government

Visiting the ArcelorMittal site in Dunkirk on 4 February 2022, French Prime Minister Jean Castex announced support from the French Government for ArcelorMittal’s decarbonization program in France, which involves a €1.7 billion investment in its Fos-sur-Mer and Dunkirk sites in France.

Partnership for Carbon Transparency publishes new guidance to enhance consistency of emissions data

Today, on the Industry Day at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow, UK, the Partnership for Carbon Transparency launched the Pathfinder Framework, a guidance for the calculation and exchange of product-level carbon emissions data across value chains. The Framework was developed jointly by 35 stakeholders from industry and the broader decarbonization ecosystem, harnessing WBCSD’s role as co-convenor of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.

Leading banking institutions join forces in new initiative to support decarbonization of the agriculture sector

Rabobank, Santander, Wells Fargo, and Barclays are among top banks working together to support their food, agriculture and land use sector clients in the transition to net-zero.

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