Business and labor organizations call for renewed multilateralism from G20 countries

eaders from 13 international business and labor organizations joined voices to send a strong message to G20 countries to urge them to step up collaboration at the global level to tackle our global crises, including the unprecedented health and economic devastation that COVID-19 has created.

What nature can do for the climate in a post-COVID world

Business are in a race to zero It was expected that 2020 would set the agenda for environmental action for the next decade. But with the postponement of the UN Biodiversity Conference (CBD COP 15) and the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26), along with the enormous fiscal pressures created by COVID-19, this year threatens to disrupt […]

SOS 1.5: A new roadmap to action business commitments to deliver net-zero emissions

Today on World Environment Day, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) released its new climate action roadmap to help companies reach net-zero carbon emissions before 2050. Geneva, 5 June 2020: SOS 1.5: The road to a resilient, zero-carbon carbon future provides companies with a step-by-step framework and key actions to start and advance their journey to net-zero […]

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