Natural Climate Solutions will play vital role in tackling climate change emphasizes new report

WBCSD with the Nature4Climate coalition launched the report Natural Climate Solutions: the Business Perspective. The report builds consensus on how to credibly invest in Natural Climate Solutions as part of a climate action strategy and what are the barriers to investment, which WBCSD will now work to address. New York, 23 September:  Yesterday, the World Business […]

New report highlights practical steps that businesses can take to enhance climate resilience

Geneva, 18 September 2019: Today, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) launched a new report entitled Business Climate Resilience – thriving through the transformation. The report provides a guide for business to build resilience by developing enhanced adaptive capacity to the impacts of climate change, to better manage associated risks and seize opportunities. The report highlights […]

Stepping up business action to 1.5°C

Geneva, 16 September 2019 – The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) has today joined other organizations to endorse the ‘Business Ambition for 1.5°C’ initiative calling on companies to take 1.5°C-aligned climate action and commit to the 1.5 Pledge. Ahead of next week’s UN Climate Action Summit in New York City, WBCSD is calling on companies […]

Time for action is now – Bill Sisson, new Director for North America

Phoenix, AZ, 28 February 2019: 2019 will mark four years since the United Nations (UN) Member States unanimously agreed on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These goals are a blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and planet by 2030 – a deadline which is starting to loom ever-larger on the horizon. At the World […]

Global companies step up to scale investment in natural climate solutions

12 September 2018: Today at the Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) publicly launched its new project focused on mobilizing private sector investment to scale natural climate solutions. These solutions are an established means of capturing and storing carbon emissions through carbon sinks like forests and peatlands. […]

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