CBD COP16 signals a growing momentum towards integrating biodiversity considerations into all sectors of the economy and society 

CBD COP16 in Cali, Colombia, hosted a record attendance of around 23’000 people, with 3’000 representatives from the business community among them. As promised by Colombia, it was a true “People’s COP” with more than 1 million people participating in the event’s Green Zone located in the city’s centre. This increased popularity of “the Nature […]

Exploring nature-positive buildings

The built environment sector is critical to achieving a nature-positive future, as it is responsible for nearly 30% of biodiversity loss globally, 50% of global raw materials extraction, 40% of waste streams, and 40% of CO2 emissions. By 2025, the construction industry is predicted to generate 2.2 billion tons of waste annually. Of this, approximately […]

A Look Forward to COP16 

How the preparatory meetings outcomes shape the agenda in Cali  Ahead of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (UNCBD) COP16 in Cali, Colombia from 21 October – 1 November, two important preparatory meetings took place: Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) and Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI). Both meetings provided an […]