ERM convenes industry leaders to accelerate action on corporate sustainability

The Council on Sustainability Transformation, a group of senior leaders from corporations, governments, and academia, has been launched to accelerate private sector action on critical sustainability challenges. The Council is convened by ERM, the world’s largest specialist sustainability consultancy. Its launch comes at a time when thousands of major companies remain committed to delivering on their […]

Guiding the integration of sustainability in valuation: A framework​ for integration, research examples and reflections

In today’s financial landscape, sustainability is emerging as a key driver in investment decision-making processes, and has the potential to incentivize and scale capital allocation via the integration into intrinsic valuation and pricing.  Our primer explores sustainability in intrinsic valuation, offering a structured framework, exploring key intervention points for integration including forecasted financials and model […]

WBCSD Climate Week NYC 2023

Climate Week NYC is a pivotal milestone in our collective journey toward COP28. In 2023, it was held in September 17th-24th alongside the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). The centerpiece of the High-Level Week of the General Assembly was the SDG Summit on September 18th-19th — marking a midpoint for the deadline set for achieving […]