Accelerating electric infrastructure: an integrated approach to decarbonization is key

Infrastructure plays an important role in achieving climate targets. The time is now to accelerate the deployment of electric infrastructure (e-infrastructure) and to increase the pace and impact of decarbonization at the nexus of the built environment, energy and transport.

COP26: Industry calls for action from government and business to address embodied emissions in building construction

Representatives of Stora Enso, Google, Lendlease, WEB Limited Group, World Business Council for Sustainable Development and the World Green Building Council call on governments and industry to make urgent commitments to tackle climate change and achieve a net-zero society.

#BuildingToCOP26 Coalition highlights 26 climate action initiatives on Cities, Regions and Built Environment Day

Today, on Cities, Regions and Built Environment Day at COP26, business leaders and national, regional and city-level policymakers will gather to discuss the collaborative solutions that can accelerate climate action over the next decade.

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