An enhanced assessment of risks impacting the food and agriculture sector

WBCSD and KPMG release An enhanced assessment of risks impacting the food and agriculture sector, which provides updated analysis on new risk dimensions impacting the food and agriculture sector and how companies can best manage these complex, inter-connected risks.

BCSD Taiwan published two guides on ESG-related risks management

Aiming to help Taiwanese corporates face the ESG-related challenges, BCSD Taiwan obtained authorization from WBCSD and COSO to release the Traditional Chinese versions of “Enterprise Risk Management: Applying enterprise risk management to environmental, social, and governance-related risks” and “Guidance on improving the quality of ESG information for decision-making: Developing a roadmap for companies”.

Danone, Firmenich SA and Unilever recognized as global sustainability leaders with triple A score by CDP

WBCSD members Danone, Firmenich S.A and Unilever are among the only six companies in the world to have obtained a “triple A” score by CDP in recognition of their leading environmental efforts in tackling climate change, fighting deforestation and protecting water cycles.

Dynamic risk assessment builds and preserves company value: new report shows how

Davos, Switzerland 20 January 2020: Today, joined by global business leaders in Davos, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) launched its report “An enhanced assessment of risks impacting the food and agriculture sector”. The report dives into how a dynamic risk assessment can improve companies’ risk practices and identify crucial aspects to continue […]

Collaborative work on ERM-ESG alignment earns UN ISAR Honors promoting sustainability

Geneva Switzerland, 30 October 2019: The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) today honored the Committee of the Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO), the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), and EY for their collaborative work on integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects into companies’ mainstream enterprise risk management practices. […]

Staying competitive in a fast-changing world

he World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) today launched Staying competitive in a fast-changing world – Practical steps for future-proofing your business.