Preventing a COVID-19 food crisis – the role and opportunity for multinationals
As COVID-19 continues to impact millions of lives and jobs around the world, it is also making our global food system increasingly vulnerable.
As COVID-19 continues to impact millions of lives and jobs around the world, it is also making our global food system increasingly vulnerable.
Applying business-driven solution spaces to the prioritization of collective action on and beyond proteins
What does the COVID-19 pandemic mean for the decade ahead? What vulnerabilities has it exposed? What trends is it accelerating? And what must business address as it builds back better from this crisis?
The following text and images are from a personal blog post from WBCSD’s Soft Commodities Forum (SCF) Manager Nicoletta Pavese where she shares her journey in connecting with soy producers in the Western Bahia State
This Call to Action, signed by WBCSD President & CEO Peter Bakker and Managing Director Food & Nature Diane Holdorf, was originally published on 9 April 2020 by the Food and Land Use Coalition. The COVID-19 virus has unleashed a global health pandemic and economic crisis, posing unprecedented challenges for food systems around the world. Food supplies could […]
Budapest, 1 April 2020: BCSD Hungary (BCSDH) hosted a virtual business breakfast and its Action 2020 Forum. WBCSD’s Managing Director Food & Nature Diane Holdorf delivered a successful and thoughtful presentation, highlighting that, while right now the key factor is the survival of the supply chain, after overcoming the pandemic, it will also be necessary to address the challenge […]
Call to action from the Planetary Emergency Partnership: emerging from the planetary emergency and partnering between people and nature This open letter, signed by WBCSD’s Managing Director Food & Nature Diane Holdorf, was originally published on 26 March 2020 by the Club of Rome. It is time to harness our fears, build hope and drive action to […]
Business response to COVID-19
A conversation with Piet Dircke, Arcadis’ Global Leader of Resilience and Water Management Hand hygiene is essential to containing the spread of COVID-19 and many other infectious diseases. This World Water Day, and any other day, please remember to wash your hands regularly with water and soap or alcohol-based hand rub. Today is international World Water […]
WBCSD’s contribution to a future Science-based Target for Nature