Nineteen leading companies join forces to step up alternative farming practices and protect biodiversity, for the benefit of planet and people

 “One Planet Business for Biodiversity” (OP2B) – a business-led, agriculture-centric coalition – was launched today at UN Climate Action Summit in New York 23 September 2019, New York, NY: Today, nineteen forward-thinking, agriculture-centric companies, together with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), launched a new initiative to protect and restore biodiversity within their supply […]

Natural Climate Solutions will play vital role in tackling climate change emphasizes new report

WBCSD with the Nature4Climate coalition launched the report Natural Climate Solutions: the Business Perspective. The report builds consensus on how to credibly invest in Natural Climate Solutions as part of a climate action strategy and what are the barriers to investment, which WBCSD will now work to address. New York, 23 September:  Yesterday, the World Business […]

Halcyon kicks off water stewardship action learning project at a rubber processing plant in Indonesia

The Global Agribusiness Alliance (GAA), with its members Halcyon Agri, HeveaConnect and the Alliance for Water Stewardship Asia-Pacific (AWS A-P) are working together to learn how to increase performance related to water in rubber processing using the AWS Standard for assessing site and catchment specific risks and opportunities at Halcyon’s PT Hok Tong factory in Jambi, Indonesia. […]

Key takeaways: CEO roundtable – Food Systems Transformation in India

India is the second largest food producer in the world and has moved from dependence on grain imports into a net exporter of food. However, India faces low average agricultural productivity at the national level and high variation regionally.  The increasing uncertainty of monsoons and increasing rainfall deficiency due to climate change will severely affect […]

Businesses call for deeper partnership to build a more forest positive future

Images of the dry season fires in the Brazilian Amazon have generated massive media coverage and raised social consciousness about the existential challenges we face if rainforests continue to perish. They are vital to life on earth cleaning the air, circulating freshwater, storing carbon and providing livelihoods for more than a billion people. The latest […]

Can sustainable business really save the world?

Time is running out to decarbonise the world’s economies. Can the business world respond in time? Eco-Business asks the two leaders of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Peter Bakker and Olam boss Sunny Verghese, if sustainable capitalism can avert planetary disaster. This article was originally published by Eco-Business and republished with their kind agreement. The origins […]

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