Deforestation Disclosure Training for Financial Institutions

On 14 November 2024, the Forest Finance Risk Consortium (FFRC) hosted a webinar to present key insights and recommendations from the newly launched Deforestation Disclosure Guide for Financial Institutions. This training is designed to complement the Guide, providing an opportunity for financial institutions to hear from experts, standard setters and finance sector peers on how to disclose […]

Deforestation Disclosure Training for Financial Institutions

Join us 14 November: Deforestation Disclosure Training for Financial Institutions This online training will highlight key messages from the newly launched Deforestation Disclosure Guide for Financial Institutions, providing in-depth information on practical steps to disclose on financed deforestation and deforestation-related risks in portfolios. Attendees will receive step-by-step recommendations on carrying out deforestation-specific disclosure and integrating deforestation […]

Four steps that financial institutions can take to integrate deforestation into financial disclosure 

My interest in protecting forests began when I was aged 12, when one of my school teachers shared photographs of the deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest, Brazil. As an adult, I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to visit this important ecosystem and witness firsthand the continuing destruction. Forests provide critical services like absorbing […]

New guidance for financial institutions on why and how to integrate deforestation into financial disclosure 

WBCSD outlines four steps to integrating deforestation into climate- and nature-related financial disclosure to help financial institutions improve transparency on material risks and meet net zero goals  New York – September 23rd 2024 – Today, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) released new practical guidance for financial institutions (FIs) on how to integrate […]

Deforestation Disclosure Guide for Financial Institutions

To complement this Guide, the Forest Finance Risk Consortium has developed an online training on Deforestation Disclosure for Financial Institutions. Watch the recorded session to hear from experts, standard setters, and finance sector peers—including UNEP-FI, Global Canopy, CDP, GFANZ, Hindsight Consultancy, and Storebrand Asset Management—on how to conduct deforestation-specific disclosures and integrate deforestation into climate- […]