Forest and nature metrics tool

As part of the implementation phase of WBCSD-Forest Solutions Group’s Forest Sector Nature Positive Roadmap, the Forest Solutions Group, with support from Quantis, developed a tool to help companies in the forest sector prioritize metrics for assessing and disclosing on nature.  The current beta version of the Forest and nature metrics tool contains a set […]

TNFD Additional Forest Sector guidance

To support the forest sector implementation of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) recommendations, members of the Forest Solutions Group led the development of the TNFD additional guidance for the forest sector, in collaboration with TNFD Taskforce members, Global Canopy, and with technical support from PwC Canada. This guidance forms part of the implementation phase of […]

WBCSD’s Forest Solutions Group (FSG) reveals 10 high-impact actions to help decarbonize the forest products value chain.

Geneva: Today, 19 leading member companies of the Forest Solutions Group (FSG), of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), release the interactive ‘Catalogue of key decarbonization actions’, as part of Phase II of the Forest Sector Net-Zero Roadmap. The ‘Catalogue of key decarbonization actions’ supports forest companies in their efforts to reduce emissions […]

Catalogue of key decarbonization actions (Phase II Forest Sector Net-Zero Roadmap)

This interactive Catalogue of key decarbonization actions aims to supports forest companies in their effort to drive decarbonization by guiding them through the choice and implementation of the most impactful actions to tackle carbon intensive stages (‘emission hotpots’) of the value chain of three forest products: Engineered wood products, paper-based consumer packaging, and cellulose-based textiles. The catalogue […]

COP15 reflections: how is business stepping up to implement the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF)

Yesterday, we read the news, from the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15), announcing that governments agreed on the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF).