Facts & Trends: Fresh & Recycled Fiber Complementarity

Fresh or recycled fiber, either-or? The answer is both! Have you ever wondered if it is more sustainable to use paper products made from fresh or recycled fiber? It is a fair question to ask, but a question that cannot be answered with either-or. In fact, fresh and recycled fiber are part of single-integrated wood fiber […]

Mondi Zimele

Mondi is an international packaging and paper group, employing 26,000 people in production facilities across 31 countries. With its operations located in central Europe, Russia, the Americas and South Africa in mind, Mondihas declared itself committed to creating value and improving the livelihoods of its communities.

Future from Fibre: From forest to finished product

This report was developed by Pöyry together with the WBCSD Forest Solutions Group and in cooperation with WWF International, this report looks out to 2050 and outlines step by step the importance and central role of forests and forest products to a sustainable future. The report aims to correct misperceptions, looks at the growing importance of […]

Facts & Trends: Forests, forest products, carbon and energy

Facts and Trends: Forests, forest products, carbon & energy provides an overview of simple facts and trends about forests, forest products, carbon and energy. Developed by WBCSD Forest Solutions Group members with extensive technical support from the National Council for Air and Stream Improvement (NCASI), it supports the ongoing dialogue within the WBCSD membership and […]

Mondi : Discovering the Ecosystem Value of Ecological Networks in Developed Landscapes

High-yielding commercial forestry plantations provide the sustainable raw material for Mondi’s pulp mill in South Africa. The implementation of Forest Stewardship Council –FSC™ – certification and New Generation Plantation (NGP) principles have minimized the impact of these plantations on biodiversity and freshwater systems, but careful mitigation of these impacts is required. Ecological networks are proving to be an important mitigation […]

Portucel Soporcel

Forests represent the primary source of raw material for Portucel Soporcel

Sustainable Forest Finance Toolkit

Supports banks introduce effective screens and safeguards covering their investments in forestry and other projects that significantly impact on forests. 2009, 91 pages View Publication