Secil: Learning to value biodiversity
Secil‘s “Vale de Mós A” marl quarry and “Vale de Mós B” limestone quarry are located in Arrábida Natural Park, Southwest Portugal.
Secil‘s “Vale de Mós A” marl quarry and “Vale de Mós B” limestone quarry are located in Arrábida Natural Park, Southwest Portugal.
The Sustainable Procurement of Wood and Paper-based Products Guide and Resource Kit is a toolbox designed to help corporate managers understand and find the best advice on how to purchase products originating from the world’s forests. (2008) updated in 2011 and 2012, 226 pages
Decisions regarding the purchase and use of wood and paper-based products can have far-reaching, long-term impacts for the forests where they are harvested, the communities supported by wood-using industries, and the places where those products are purchased and used. (2007) updated in 2011 and 2012, 40 pages
Biodiversity is the life support system of the planet and nowhere is it more important than Brazil. The forestry sector in Brazil accounts for five per cent of GDP and 10 per cent of the nation’s exports, a central part of both local and national economies. Yet how can forests be managed in an economically, […]
The progress report demonstrates that the forest industry is an active participant in enhancing environmental performance. Great strides have been made in engaging stakeholders, increasing energy efficiency and promoting recycling programs, yet the issues of forest certification and eco-labelling are still ongoing and there is evidence of expanding consumer concern about sustainable consumption of paper. […]
This study is a summary of the main environmental and social concerns of “Towards a Sustainable Paper Cycle”. It aims to provide a balanced analysis of the paper cycle from the perspective of sustainable development. 1996, 36 pages