Sustainability experts discuss human rights in agriculture value chains

Singapore, 23 June: Agribusinesses have a responsibility to ensure that human rights are respected within their operations and across their supply chains. Many of these companies have significant land footprints, operate in complex value chain networks, and are major employers across the globe, including in countries with fragile social and political environments and weak jurisdiction. […]

A recipe to reduce food loss and waste

Geneva, 23 June 2020: Reducing food loss and waste is one of the most important levers to transform our food system to achieve our healthy people healthy planet goal. Over the past months, BCG and WBCSD member SONAE, the Portuguese retailer, with support from WBCSD’s FReSH (Food Reform for Sustainability and Health) project, have conducted a project aimed at identifying […]

Wicked Fire – Managing fire risk in a changing climate

he Global Agri-Business Alliance (GAA) has organized a workshop on fire prevention with its members and stakeholders. As part of this workshop, Craig R Tribolet, APRIL’s Sustainability Operations Manager shared his insights on fire prevention in Indonesia and APRIL’s learnings along the way. The below insight is now available: Jakarta, Indonesia, June 2020: After widespread forest fires […]

GAA hosted virtual convening on agribusiness sector role in driving community-based fire prevention

Singapore, 5 June: The global incidence of devastating fires poses a critical operational, social, and environmental risk for the collective agribusiness community. Many factors drive fire in agricultural landscapes including land clearing, industrial development, resettlement, and arson. Hotter temperatures and more extreme weather conditions brought on by climate change exacerbate the vulnerability to and risk of fire, especially […]

Halcyon kicks off water stewardship action learning project at a rubber processing plant in Indonesia

The Global Agribusiness Alliance (GAA), with its members Halcyon Agri, HeveaConnect and the Alliance for Water Stewardship Asia-Pacific (AWS A-P) are working together to learn how to increase performance related to water in rubber processing using the AWS Standard for assessing site and catchment specific risks and opportunities at Halcyon’s PT Hok Tong factory in Jambi, Indonesia. […]