Guide to Corporate Renewable Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) in Brazil

Companies worldwide are seeking new ways to reduce the environmental impact of their energy consumption and lower their energy costs. While reducing energy use through energy efficiency is crucial to achieving this goal, companies need to maintain their operations. Purchasing electricity from renewable sources is an increasingly popular means for commercial and industrial companies to […]

WBCSD and leading companies formalize the Corporate Mobility Pact with the City of Lisbon

Lisbon, 9 December 2019: The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), Lisbon City Council, BCSD Portugal and 56 leading companies and institutions take an important step with the signing of the Corporate Mobility Pact (CMP). Stakeholders have committed to over 200 mobility actions to make mobility more sustainable in Lisbon . The following are signatories […]

Low-carbon transition and business leadership: insights from the first TCFD Summit in Japan

Last Tuesday 8 October the first-ever TCFD Summit was held in Tokyo, convening around 300 global attendees from government, business, investors and civil society to advance discussions around corporate disclosure on climate change.

Asian business leadership in the transition to a sustainable world

Geneva, 27 August 2019: Earlier this month, Peter Bakker, President and CEO of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), embarked on a series of keynotes, high-level meetings and events across South East Asia to empower leadership from Asian businesses in the transition to a sustainable world. With the support of WBCSD’s Global Network partners in the […]

Business & human rights ambitions and actions in India

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the CII-ITC Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Development (CII-CESD) have published an issue brief focused on India’s latest developments and evolving requirements on business and human rights.

Guidance on improving the quality of ESG information for decision-making

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and FSR – Danish Auditors have published a first-of-its-kind guidance on how companies can improve the quality of, and confidence in, their environment, social and governance (ESG) information by considering the basic building blocks of internal controls.  It’s important for companies to pursue investment grade ESG data […]

Finland: ‘Sustainability in Finland 2019’ survey results reveal a business focus on climate change

WBCSD’s President and CEO Peter Bakker urged Finnish businesses to take leadership for a sustainable future Helsinki, 27 May 2019: The survey Sustainability in Finland 2019, conducted by WBCSD’s Global Network partner FIBS, tells that Finnish companies have woken up to the reality of climate change. 87% of the corporate executives and experts that responded to the survey stated […]

BCSD Portugal and Porto Business School team up on executive education program

Porto, 23 May 2019: BCSD Portugal, part of WBCSD’s Global Network of partner organizations, has teamed up for the second year with Porto Business School to design an executive education program focused on “Sustainable Management: A Leadership Expedition to the Future”. The course is spread across 70 hours of classroom work over 8 days. The program aims to prepare company […]