Insider Perspective: The CII Sustainability Summit and WBCSD India Day, New Delhi 5-7 September

This week saw two milestone events in Delhi, aimed at accelerating India’s sustainable development. India holds one fifth of the world’s population, the planet’s fastest growing large economy and represents one quarter of all additional energy demand to 2040. Additionally, India must deliver up to half the progress required for achieving the SDGs. In other […]

SDG Sector Roadmaps

WBCSD has developed in collaboration with ERM a set of guidelines which provide a structured approach that companies can follow as they embark upon SDG road-mapping for their sector.

From A to W: Water Stewardship

Entreprises pour l’Environnement (EpE), WBCSD’s Global Network partner in France, has launched a brochure bringing together 50 concrete, pragmatic actions taken by EpE members for sustainable water management.

BCSD Singapore and additional WBCSD Global Network partners launch white paper on efficient agriculture from a private sector perspective

BCSD Singapore and additional WBCSD Global Network partners in Indonesia, Philippines, and Vietnam, launches a new white paper titled “Efficient Agriculture, Stronger Economies in ASEAN – Private Sector Perspectives for Policy Makers” Jakarta, 26 April  2016: Private sector companies share real-world examples of already implemented best practices and propose recommendations to policy makers to scale up these business solutions in the agricultural sector in […]

BCSD Singapore advances the fight against food loss and waste

Singapore Business Council for Sustainable Development invited business and government representatives to contribute to the finalization of the Food Loss and Waste Protocol by providing feedback and pilot testing the methodology.  The call is open to entities all around the world.  The Protocol aims to become the most widely used international accounting and reporting standard […]

Sustainable Lifestyles Report | Brazil

Report on the WBCSD and CEBDS Sustainable Lifestyles workshop held in São Paulo in May 2015. It summarises workshop discussions, and the supporting research, on where the highest consumption impacts are occurring in key lifestyle areas in Brazil, suggesting areas where business can begin to uncover solutions that reduce the lifestyle impacts.