“Business Leaders for the Climate” statement led by CEBDS wins prestigious business award

WBCSD’s Global Network partner in Brazil – The Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development, was selected as one of the winners of Brazil’s most prestigious corporate communications award for an initiative that led to the issuance of the “Business Leaders for the Climate” statement earlier this year. 

City of Braga, Portugal, unveils new Corporate Mobility Pact

In the Portuguese City of Braga, the transition to more sustainable mobility is at the heart of the newly launched Braga Corporate Mobility Pact, developed by WBCSD’s Global Network partner, the Business Council for Sustainable Development in Portugal and the Braga City Council.

EpE and member companies present lifestyle representations and the ecological transition

he ZEN 2050 study by EpE member companies – Entreprises pour l’Environnement (EpE) is WBCSD’s French partner – concluded that France could achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, provided all stakeholders (corporate, government, citizen-consumers, etc.) rallied strongly to achieve an unprecedented transformation of our lifestyles and consumption patterns. The equally important goal of preserving biodiversity further reinforces the need for transformation.

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