EpE and member companies present lifestyle representations and the ecological transition

he ZEN 2050 study by EpE member companies – Entreprises pour l’Environnement (EpE) is WBCSD’s French partner – concluded that France could achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, provided all stakeholders (corporate, government, citizen-consumers, etc.) rallied strongly to achieve an unprecedented transformation of our lifestyles and consumption patterns. The equally important goal of preserving biodiversity further reinforces the need for transformation.

Exploring the scope of the corporate health footprint

This report outlines the importance of investing in a culture of health and wellbeing as a key tool to achieve a just sustainability transition and ensure a healthy environment inside and outside organizations.

Business in the Community Ireland (BITCI) Inaugural study of 120,000 employees lays foundations for diversity and inclusion in the workforce

Dublin, 10 May 2022: Business in the Community Ireland (BITCI), WBCSD’s global partner in Ireland inaugurated the first report into measuring and setting workforce targets for diversity and inclusion which has pinpointed higher levels of female participation at senior and executive levels than the national average. The inaugural Elevate report, measuring diversity to drive change, indicates 38% female […]

Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development (CEBDS) launches open letter to presidential candidates

Sao Paolo, 26 April 2022: CEBDS, the Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development part of the Global Network Partner of WBCSD, launched earlier this month an Open Letter to Presidential Candidates. Its objective is to positively influence the agendas of politicians who will run for president in the upcoming Brazilian’s general election, in October. It’s the […]

The Spanish Business Council for Sustainable Development presents ‘Vision 2050’ to inspire and accelerate the business action to ESG challenges

Madrid, 24 February 2022: The Spanish Business Council for Sustainable Development, a high-level body made up of 40 Presidents and CEOs of major companies and led by Forética -the leading business organization for sustainability in Spain, representing the country on the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), presents the roadmap ‘Vision 2050. The moment of transformation’ with the aim of inspiring and accelerating […]

The Circular Transition Indicators (CTI): Now available in French

Together with Entreprises pour l’Environnement (EpE) and KPMG, we launched the French translation of version 2.0 of the Circular Transition Indicators framework with a view to support companies in French-speaking countries to actively manage their circular transition.  The framework is simple, applicable across industries and value chains, comprehensive yet flexible, complementary to a company’s existing sustainability efforts and agnostic as […]

BCSD Taiwan published two guides on ESG-related risks management

Aiming to help Taiwanese corporates face the ESG-related challenges, BCSD Taiwan obtained authorization from WBCSD and COSO to release the Traditional Chinese versions of “Enterprise Risk Management: Applying enterprise risk management to environmental, social, and governance-related risks” and “Guidance on improving the quality of ESG information for decision-making: Developing a roadmap for companies”.