A Global Coming of Age: How the Sustainable Development Goals can help transform the world we live in

We are living in a volatile world. Socially, politically, in the environment and the economy, many people feel that the system simply isn’t working for them, even though life today is a better experience for more people than it has been at any time in history.

Social & Human Capital Coalition launches the Social & Human Capital Protocol

27 February 2019, Geneva Switzerland: Today, in conjunction with GreenBiz 2019, the Social & Human Capital Coalition (SHCC) launched the Social & Human Capital Protocol. This moment is the result of four years of collaborative development, involving input from over 50 forward-thinking businesses – including  Nestlé, Grupo Argos, and LafargeHolcim, and a range of expert partners, […]

Natural Capital Protocol Toolkit upgraded to broader online platform

28 November 2018, Cambridge Massachusetts, Geneva, Paris: Today marks the official transfer of the Natural Capital Protocol Toolkit (NCT) to the SHIFT.tools platform, hosted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management Sustainability Initiative (MIT Sloan SI). This is a symbolic milestone on the bigger sustainability journey towards convergence, consistency and, ultimately, comparability of results when it comes to measuring […]

The European Commission invests € 2 million in new campaign to help business value nature

Monday, 26 November 2018: The European Commission has provided over €2 million over the next three years to support a new collaborative campaign, We Value Nature. The campaign has been launched during natural capital week in Paris by: The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), The […]

The Bruce Column – Going for the ambitious goals of sustainable business

In a wide-ranging video interview, with our regular columnist Robert Bruce, Rodney Irwin, Managing Director of Redefining Value and Education with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, (WBCSD), explains the importance of making businesses more sustainable. For Rodney Irwin his mission is clear. The WBCSD is a global CEO-led organisation of over 200 leading businesses […]

New partnership WICI-WBCSD advances management and reporting for intangibles

Tokyo, Japan, 1 December 2017: Today at the 10th World Intellectual Capital/Assets Initiative (WICI) Symposium in Tokyo, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the WICI Network signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), agreeing to collaborate towards better reporting on intangibles, such as intellectual/organizational, relational and human capital, and the role of sustainability in creating […]

Natural Capital, a short film series

Today at the World Forum on Natural Capital in Edinburgh, we released a short film series, designed to underscore how important it is for companies to value their relationship with nature. The film illustrates what happens when businesses don’t take the sustainability warning seriously. Make sure you don’t get caught short-sighted – check out the […]