Seeking your feedback on the Natural Capital Protocol Toolkit pilot

The Natural Capital Protocol Toolkit can help. The pilot version of the Natural Capital Protocol Toolkit is out today. It’s an online interactive database that helps businesses find the right tools to measure and value natural capital as they use the Natural Capital Protocol and Sector Guides. The Toolkit is designed to help businesses measure and value natural capital […]

Natural Capital Protocol Toolkit upgraded to broader online platform

28 November 2018, Cambridge Massachusetts, Geneva, Paris: Today marks the official transfer of the Natural Capital Protocol Toolkit (NCT) to the platform, hosted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management Sustainability Initiative (MIT Sloan SI). This is a symbolic milestone on the bigger sustainability journey towards convergence, consistency and, ultimately, comparability of results when it comes to measuring […]

The European Commission invests € 2 million in new campaign to help business value nature

Monday, 26 November 2018: The European Commission has provided over €2 million over the next three years to support a new collaborative campaign, We Value Nature. The campaign has been launched during natural capital week in Paris by: The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), The […]

Natural Infrastructure for Business

Our Natural Infrastructure for Business platform is designed to introduce business leaders and practitioners to natural infrastructure. This platform is a first-time effort to raise business awareness, understanding and action towards increased investments in natural infrastructure solutions by providing concrete guidance and tools. It is the first step towards achieving our vision that by 2020, investing in ecosystems-or […]

The making of the Natural Capital Protocol: What made this project such a special success?

It’s difficult to communicate the level of time, experience, trust and effort that went into the Natural Capital Protocol development process. But looking back over the last two years, we can try. In numbers: Working on behalf of the Natural Capital Coalition, our technical writing group consisted of eight companies, seven consultancies, two conservation organizations, two membership organizations and […]