Unleashing corporate target-setting for nature at scale  

Climate Week NYC is a key milestone ahead of CBD COP16, providing an important opportunity to highlight the interlinked solution-sets to climate change and nature loss. Significant advances have been made in the nature agenda this year, in particular on science-based targets for nature.  Target-setting is an essential lever for corporate transformation and transition planning. […]

Accelerating corporate ambition and preparedness toward science-based targets for nature

Nature target-setting is an essential lever for corporate transformation and transition planning. The Science Based Targets Network’s (SBTN) methodology for corporates was released in 2023 and updated in 2024.   This briefing brings together the main insights and lessons drawn from the WBCSD’s SBTN Preparer Group and the official SBTN pilot, which ran from 2023 into […]

Interview with Bayer: lessons learned when buying nature-based carbon credits 

In April 2024, the Natural Climate Solutions Alliance asked Bayer to share insights on their approach to nature-based carbon credits and the broader landscape of corporate climate commitments. Daniel Schneiders, Director Climate Program at Bayer, provided us valuable perspectives on the current state of net zero pledges, the opportunities and challenges of investing in natural […]

Global Resources Outlook (GRO) 2024: Implications for Business

During the sixth United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA6) on March 1st, the International Resource Panel’s flagship report, the Global Resources Outlook 2024 (GRO) was revealed, highlighting the alarming rise in material extraction over the past 50 years, fueling the triple planetary crisis.  As natural resource demand surges, businesses face a critical imperative to optimize resource […]

Tetra Pak commits to taking action for nature

As part of the comprehensive framework outlining the company’s contribution to halting and reversing nature loss, Tetra Pak has established 25 targets across the value chain. Lausanne, Switzerland (15 May 2024): Ahead of the United Nation’s International Day of Biodiversity on 22nd May, Tetra Pak has announced the launch of its ‘Approach to Nature’ – a comprehensive framework that defines […]

Nature-positive in agri-food value chains: the why and the how

Our global agri-food system faces an unprecedented challenge. It’s responsible for about a third of global greenhouse gas emissions and uses roughly 70% of freshwater, driving significant biodiversity loss and land-use change. With projections indicating a 50% increase in food demand by 2050, the system represents a substantial threat to our natural world. At the […]

Building business cases for Nature-based Solutions

Recognizing NbS as solutions to both business and societal challenges To mark World Environment Day, WBCSD is launching the NbS Blueprint and Nature-based Solutions Map, developed over the past year with 50+ global companies and external organizations. Together, these tools support companies in identifying and building business cases for Nature-based Solutions that address core business challenges while also […]

Nature-based Solutions Map

The Nature-based Solutions Map is a tool designed to help companies identify the types of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) that best address their priority challenges and opportunities, enabling them to build stronger business cases for using NbS. Using information from the NbS Blueprint, case studies, academic and grey literature as well as insights from experts in companies […]

Nature-based Solutions Blueprint

This Blueprint is a fundamental guidance on how companies can build business cases for using Nature-based Solutions (NbS) to address their challenges and opportunities – while also delivering positive impact on climate, nature and equity. Drawing on eight case studies from WBCSD members, this work lays out a six-stage process for companies to follow, from […]

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