New report highlights practical steps that businesses can take to enhance climate resilience

Geneva, 18 September 2019: Today, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) launched a new report entitled Business Climate Resilience – thriving through the transformation. The report provides a guide for business to build resilience by developing enhanced adaptive capacity to the impacts of climate change, to better manage associated risks and seize opportunities. The report highlights […]

Business Climate Resilience

Published shortly after the landmark report by the Global Commission on Adaptation, WBCSD’s report brings together important global developments and latest thinking on climate adaptation and resilience, with particular focus on private sector climate resilience.

Stepping up business action to 1.5°C

Geneva, 16 September 2019 – The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) has today joined other organizations to endorse the ‘Business Ambition for 1.5°C’ initiative calling on companies to take 1.5°C-aligned climate action and commit to the 1.5 Pledge. Ahead of next week’s UN Climate Action Summit in New York City, WBCSD is calling on companies […]

The UNCCD Delhi declaration from business

Business recognizes that the world needs to build a future that avoids, minimizes, and reverses desertification and land degradation and mitigates the effects of drought.

Key takeaways: CEO roundtable – Food Systems Transformation in India

India is the second largest food producer in the world and has moved from dependence on grain imports into a net exporter of food. However, India faces low average agricultural productivity at the national level and high variation regionally.  The increasing uncertainty of monsoons and increasing rainfall deficiency due to climate change will severely affect […]

Businesses call for deeper partnership to build a more forest positive future

Images of the dry season fires in the Brazilian Amazon have generated massive media coverage and raised social consciousness about the existential challenges we face if rainforests continue to perish. They are vital to life on earth cleaning the air, circulating freshwater, storing carbon and providing livelihoods for more than a billion people. The latest […]

Can sustainable business really save the world?

Time is running out to decarbonise the world’s economies. Can the business world respond in time? Eco-Business asks the two leaders of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Peter Bakker and Olam boss Sunny Verghese, if sustainable capitalism can avert planetary disaster. This article was originally published by Eco-Business and republished with their kind agreement. The origins […]

New roadmap to maximize the forest sector’s contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals

Francisco Ruiz-Tagle, CEO of CMPC, launches WBCSD’s Forest Sector SDG Roadmap on behalf of leading forest companies at the High-Level Political Forum in New York. New York, Geneva, 17 July 2019: Eleven leading member companies from the Forest Solutions Group (FSG) of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) have issued a Forest Sector SDG Roadmap today. Its aim […]

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