WBCSD’s Forest Solutions Group’s KPIs highlight the sector’s key role in global sustainability

For the second year the WBCSD Forest Solutions Group (FSG) released its assessment against the group’s key performance indicators (KPIs). Members of the WBCSD Forest Solutions Group (FSG) released the results of their key performance indicators (KPIs) for the second consecutive year. The KPIs demonstrate the role of the forest value chain as a key to global […]

First-Ever Global Standard to Measure Food Loss and Waste Introduced by International Partnership

-A partnership of leading international organizations is launching the Food Loss and Waste Accounting and Reporting Standard at the Global Green Growth Forum (3GF) 2016 Summit in Copenhagen. -New international framework launched to empower businesses, governments, and other organizations to measure, report on and manage food loss and waste -An estimated one-third of all food is lost […]

BCSD Singapore and additional WBCSD Global Network partners launch white paper on efficient agriculture from a private sector perspective

BCSD Singapore and additional WBCSD Global Network partners in Indonesia, Philippines, and Vietnam, launches a new white paper titled “Efficient Agriculture, Stronger Economies in ASEAN – Private Sector Perspectives for Policy Makers” Jakarta, 26 April  2016: Private sector companies share real-world examples of already implemented best practices and propose recommendations to policy makers to scale up these business solutions in the agricultural sector in […]

BCSD Singapore advances the fight against food loss and waste

Singapore Business Council for Sustainable Development invited business and government representatives to contribute to the finalization of the Food Loss and Waste Protocol by providing feedback and pilot testing the methodology.  The call is open to entities all around the world.  The Protocol aims to become the most widely used international accounting and reporting standard […]

Towards a global benchmark for the forest products value chain

At our Council Meeting in Paris, the CEOs of our Forest Solutions Group (FSG) have adopted a revised set of membership principles and responsibilities to affirm the group’s long-standing commitment to sustainable forest management and to producing and sourcing forest products that do not contribute to deforestation. Paris, 10 December 2015: The revised membership principles embody six core […]

Agri-business Leaders get climate smart at COP21 and aim to make 50% more food available and reduce agricultural emissions by 50% by 2030

On the agriculture thematic day at the COP21 meeting in Paris, leading global agribusiness leaders have outlined their ambition to tackle the challenge of making more food available for a growing population while reducing agriculture’s greenhouse gas footprint.  • Leading agri-business companies PepsiCo, Monsanto, Olam and Kellogg Company join forces to make 50% more food […]

Forest Sector steps up to mitigate climate change through increased forest cover and use of forest products

On the forests thematic day at the COP21 meeting in Paris, leading global forest companies have outlined their ambition to address climate change through increasing global forest cover and the use of forest products. Paris, 1 December  2015: Under the banner of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development’s Low Carbon Technology Partnerships initiative, the Forests and Forests Products […]

Land degradation neutrality: Why this should be on top of the business agenda

Land degradation neutrality is likely to become a global target through the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) led COP12 and the Sustainable Development Goals to be adopted later this year. Our new Issue Brief for Business on Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) clarifies what the LDN target means for business and how each company can contribute. Rome, 30 June 2015 – The Brief […]

WASH Pledge information and advocacy materials

These documents provide a brief overview of the key arguments for companies to sign the WASH Pledge, and give a broad overview of what is required for implementation  The following documents are available for download below: • WASH Pledge two-page overview (available in English, French, Spanish  and Bahasa Indonesian) • WASH Pledge advocacy flyer (available in English, French and Spanish) • WASH Pledge implementation flyer (available in English, French, Spanish and Bahasa Indonesian) […]

On the Road to Ankara to Achieve Land Degradation Neutrality

Land is an essential asset for business and its degradation represents a major risk for many companies in sectors ranging from agriculture and forestry to those that have indirect links to land via supply or value chains.  Concerns over land degradation are now mobilizing the international community, and there are a growing number of global […]

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