The top five business reasons to invest in Natural Climate Solutions

Natural climate solutions (NCS) remain relatively untapped as an asset class especially for most large-scale traditional investors. As the business case and potential for financial returns are better demonstrated and understood, the opportunity to scale investment is strong.  As nature-based solutions (NbS) that address climate change, NCS hold the potential to provide roughly 30% of the emissions reductions needed to keep global warming as close to 1.5°C as possible by 2030. In […]

Interview with Bayer: lessons learned when buying nature-based carbon credits 

In April 2024, the Natural Climate Solutions Alliance asked Bayer to share insights on their approach to nature-based carbon credits and the broader landscape of corporate climate commitments. Daniel Schneiders, Director Climate Program at Bayer, provided us valuable perspectives on the current state of net zero pledges, the opportunities and challenges of investing in natural […]

Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Due Diligence Questions and Criteria for Natural Climate Solution Projects

The Gender Due Diligence Guide is designed to support buyers in effectively integrating gender equality and women’s empowerment considerations into their due diligence process for the purchase of Natural Climate Solutions (NCS) carbon credits. This Guide was developed by Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management (WOCAN), with contributions from the NCS Alliance. The […]

Building business cases for Nature-based Solutions

Recognizing NbS as solutions to both business and societal challenges To mark World Environment Day, WBCSD is launching the NbS Blueprint and Nature-based Solutions Map, developed over the past year with 50+ global companies and external organizations. Together, these tools support companies in identifying and building business cases for Nature-based Solutions that address core business challenges while also […]

Nature-based Solutions Map

The Nature-based Solutions Map is a tool designed to help companies identify the types of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) that best address their priority challenges and opportunities, enabling them to build stronger business cases for using NbS. Using information from the NbS Blueprint, case studies, academic and grey literature as well as insights from experts in companies […]

Nature-based Solutions Blueprint

This Blueprint is a fundamental guidance on how companies can build business cases for using Nature-based Solutions (NbS) to address their challenges and opportunities – while also delivering positive impact on climate, nature and equity. Drawing on eight case studies from WBCSD members, this work lays out a six-stage process for companies to follow, from […]

New Toolkit for Health Outcomes from Nature-based Solutions Now Available via NCSA and NCS Procurement Hub

The Toolkit was developed to support both Nature-based Solutions (NbS) supply side, i.e. project developers, and demand side, i.e. investors and buyers, in systematically incorporating Indigenous Peoples’ and Local Communities’ (IPs and LCs) health and wellbeing considerations as part of NbS. First published in September 2023, the Toolkit was developed by GSK and Pollination Group […]

NCSA Statement – U.S. Government Endorses High-Quality Voluntary Carbon Market

The NCS Alliance – a WBCSD’s initiative supporting the use of NCS voluntary credits – enthusiastically welcomes the Administration’s Principles for Responsible Participation, promoting high-integrity credits that generate real, additional climate mitigation and other positive outcomes. The Principles capture the key requirements for a impactful voluntary carbon market (VCM) that channels private capital towards effective decarbonization efforts. At […]

Exploring the landscape of conservation: An exclusive interview with Fauna & Flora’s Zoe Quiroz-Cullen on Natural Climate Solutions

At the Natural Climate Solutions in Action Conference in August 2023, Natural Climate Solutions Alliance (NCSA) Director Giulia Carbone sat down with Zoe Quiroz-Cullen, Director of Climate and Nature Linkages at Fauna & Flora, to delve into the charity’s mission and the crucial role that Natural Climate Solutions play in shaping the world we live […]