How business can be part of the solution to solving our nature and climate crises

This blog is part of a series presenting business perspectives on climate and nature issues. The series aims to raise awareness about the challenges, opportunities and actions for business to address the climate recovery and nature loss.

Accelerating climate action to COP 26

The global transformation to Net Zero is underway but we are still not on track. WBCSD calls on business and governments to double down on climate action on the crucial road to COP 26.

What nature can do for the climate in a post-COVID world

Business are in a race to zero It was expected that 2020 would set the agenda for environmental action for the next decade. But with the postponement of the UN Biodiversity Conference (CBD COP 15) and the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26), along with the enormous fiscal pressures created by COVID-19, this year threatens to disrupt […]

Green Recovery Alliance: reboot and reboost our economies for a sustainable future

WBCSD joined the Call to Action of the Green Recovery Alliance calling for an EU-wide green recovery strategy focused on sustainability after COVID-19.  This Call to Action, signed by WBCSD President & CEO Peter Bakker and María Mendiluce, Interim CEO We Mean Business & WBCSD Managing Director Climate & Energy, originally appeared online on 14 April 2020.  The coronavirus […]

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