Accelerating corporate ambition and preparedness toward science-based targets for nature

Nature target-setting is an essential lever for corporate transformation and transition planning. The Science Based Targets Network’s (SBTN) methodology for corporates was released in 2023 and updated in 2024.   This briefing brings together the main insights and lessons drawn from the WBCSD’s SBTN Preparer Group and the official SBTN pilot, which ran from 2023 into […]

Unleashing corporate target-setting for nature at scale  

Climate Week NYC is a key milestone ahead of CBD COP16, providing an important opportunity to highlight the interlinked solution-sets to climate change and nature loss. Significant advances have been made in the nature agenda this year, in particular on science-based targets for nature.  Target-setting is an essential lever for corporate transformation and transition planning. […]

Corporate case studies: Leveraging the Roadmap to Nature Positive

Our member case studies help to bridge the gap between theory and practice. These examples show how companies within the agri-food system are navigating the nature-positive journey, offering valuable insights into the particular opportunities and challenges that businesses encounter along the way. As each organization confronts a combination of unique and shared hurdles, it is important […]

Nature-positive in agri-food value chains: the why and the how

Our global agri-food system faces an unprecedented challenge. It’s responsible for about a third of global greenhouse gas emissions and uses roughly 70% of freshwater, driving significant biodiversity loss and land-use change. With projections indicating a 50% increase in food demand by 2050, the system represents a substantial threat to our natural world. At the […]

Nature-based Solutions Blueprint

This Blueprint is a fundamental guidance on how companies can build business cases for using Nature-based Solutions (NbS) to address their challenges and opportunities – while also delivering positive impact on climate, nature and equity. Drawing on eight case studies from WBCSD members, this work lays out a six-stage process for companies to follow, from […]

WBCSD partners with leading pharmaceutical companies to develop a new ‘Roadmap to Nature Positive’

WBCSD in partnership with GSK is convening the pharma sector including AstraZeneca, Bayer, Novartis, Novo Nordisk, Roche and Takeda, to develop an additional tool to the Roadmaps to Nature Positive series, focusing on the pharmaceutical sector. All businesses depend on and impact nature through their direct operations and/or value chains. To accelerate business contribution toward […]

COP28 Action Agenda on Regenerative Landscapes launched in Dubai

Leading food and agriculture organizations join forces to scale regenerative agriculture, partnering with 3,6 million farmers to accelerate the transition of over 160 million hectares to regenerative landscapes, with an initial investment of USD $2.2Bn. Dubai, UAE, 4 December 2023 – Today, at COP28 in Dubai, more than 25 leading agriculture and food players join forces […]

Roadmap to Nature Positive: Foundations for the agri-food system – landscape deep dives

Nature-related dependencies, impacts, risks and opportunities (DIROs) are highly local. Recognizing the inherent link between agriculture and the land, our guidance includes an initial series of “deep dives” into three distinct agricultural landscapes. A company with global exposure would likely determine that any of these landscapes – if part of their value chain –requires specific […]

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