WBCSD Business Brief Report: IEA’s Net Zero Roadmap

The International Energy Agency has published an update to its Net Zero Roadmap, highlighting the actions needed from the energy sector to align with a 1.5°C scenario and achieve net zero by 2050. The key message is one of urgency – while there has been progress in clean energy technologies, the 1.5°C window is narrowing annually, and […]

Catalogue of key decarbonization actions (Phase II Forest Sector Net-Zero Roadmap)

This interactive Catalogue of key decarbonization actions aims to supports forest companies in their effort to drive decarbonization by guiding them through the choice and implementation of the most impactful actions to tackle carbon intensive stages (‘emission hotpots’) of the value chain of three forest products: Engineered wood products, paper-based consumer packaging, and cellulose-based textiles. The catalogue […]

Net-zero operational carbon buildings: State of the art

We are seeing increasing demand for net-zero emissions buildings – from building owners looking to align their property portfolio to corporate commitments, from tenants searching for space that meets their corporate requirements, and from investors looking to deploy sustainable finance in the property market.   Despite the increasing commitments to reducing emissions in the property sector, […]

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