Green Recovery Alliance: reboot and reboost our economies for a sustainable future

WBCSD joined the Call to Action of the Green Recovery Alliance calling for an EU-wide green recovery strategy focused on sustainability after COVID-19.  This Call to Action, signed by WBCSD President & CEO Peter Bakker and María Mendiluce, Interim CEO We Mean Business & WBCSD Managing Director Climate & Energy, originally appeared online on 14 April 2020.  The coronavirus […]

WBCSD releases key policy asks from business ahead of COP25 in Madrid

Geneva, 18 November 2019: A couple of weeks ahead of the opening of COP25 in Madrid, Spain (2-13 December), the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) released key policy recommendations for COP25 negotiators. The IPCC’s Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C published in October 2018, sent a clear signal: the impacts of allowing global warming to […]

New report highlights practical steps that businesses can take to enhance climate resilience

Geneva, 18 September 2019: Today, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) launched a new report entitled Business Climate Resilience – thriving through the transformation. The report provides a guide for business to build resilience by developing enhanced adaptive capacity to the impacts of climate change, to better manage associated risks and seize opportunities. The report highlights […]

Novartis engages its Indian partners in developing an integrated energy strategy

Delhi, 20 August 2019: Novartis is pioneering a new approach to how it procures and uses energy. Recognizing that Novartis is part of a broader energy system, and that this energy system is changing rapidly, they are working with their energy and technology providers and supply chain partners, to develop an integrated energy strategy which takes […]

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