IBM commits to net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030
IBM today announced that it will achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 to further its decades-long work to address the global climate crisis.
IBM today announced that it will achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 to further its decades-long work to address the global climate crisis.
Today is 12 December 2020 – the fifth anniversary of the Paris Agreement.
As the end of the year draws closer, we are about to mark the five-year anniversary of the adoption of the Paris Agreement at COP21 in December 2015.
Novartis today announced the signature of five virtual power purchase agreements (VPPAs), which are expected to collectively add more than 275 megawatts of clean power to the electrical grid.
The largest investment program in the history of a Spanish company, aimed at boosting the industrial fabric and jobs in the countries where the group operates
Already carbon neutral today for corporate emissions worldwide, the company plans to bring its entire carbon footprint to net zero 20 years sooner than IPCC targets
WBCSD joined the Call to Action of the Green Recovery Alliance calling for an EU-wide green recovery strategy focused on sustainability after COVID-19. This Call to Action, signed by WBCSD President & CEO Peter Bakker and María Mendiluce, Interim CEO We Mean Business & WBCSD Managing Director Climate & Energy, originally appeared online on 14 April 2020. The coronavirus […]
WBCSD India Director, Joe Phelan, shares his views on sustainability in India and the role of business going forward
As we follow the global climate talks in Madrid this week, there has never been more at stake.
Geneva, 18 November 2019: A couple of weeks ahead of the opening of COP25 in Madrid, Spain (2-13 December), the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) released key policy recommendations for COP25 negotiators. The IPCC’s Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C published in October 2018, sent a clear signal: the impacts of allowing global warming to […]