Business and labor organizations call for renewed multilateralism from G20 countries

eaders from 13 international business and labor organizations joined voices to send a strong message to G20 countries to urge them to step up collaboration at the global level to tackle our global crises, including the unprecedented health and economic devastation that COVID-19 has created.

New toolkit on advancing human rights policy and practice in the agribusiness sector

Geneva, 4 November 2020 – Today, the Global AgriBusiness Alliance (GAA), a sector project of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) launched a new implementation toolkit on advancing human rights policy and practice in the agribusiness sector.   Building on the recent release of the second edition of the CEO Guide to Human Rights, the new GAA […]

Human rights agenda gains traction as top business executives use their voices to call for action

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) today released the second edition of its CEO Guide to Human Rights. Geneva, 28 October 2020: The Guide brings to life the business drivers for action and the tangible steps chief executives can take to ensure their companies and business partners embrace respect for human rights as an integral […]

WBCSD raises the bar for sustainable business leadership

Global leading businesses, united in WBCSD, vote for the adoption of new membership criteria to accelerate the transformation to a sustainable world in the decade ahead. Geneva, 26 October 2020: The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), together with its more than 200 global leading member companies, is raising the bar of business commitment to […]

Advancing corporate respect for human rights in Brazil

Sao Paulo, Brazil, 29 July 2020: The Global Business Initiative on Human Rights (GBI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) recently convened an online workshop series in collaboration with BCSD Brazil (CEBDS) to support companies in Brazil with the business and human rights challenges they are facing. More than 65 business practitioners from dozens of companies participated in […]