Danone, Firmenich SA and Unilever recognized as global sustainability leaders with triple A score by CDP

WBCSD members Danone, Firmenich S.A and Unilever are among the only six companies in the world to have obtained a “triple A” score by CDP in recognition of their leading environmental efforts in tackling climate change, fighting deforestation and protecting water cycles.

The triangle that will fix capitalism

It is remarkable how the agenda in this 50th edition of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting has shifted towards calling for a move to stakeholder capitalism, as issued by Klaus Schwab in the new Davos Manifesto.

The role of business in accelerating systems transformation

An update on the World Business Council for Sustainable Development’s refresh of its landmark Vision 2050 Geneva, 10 October 2019: Earlier this year, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) set out to revisit its landmark Vision 2050 – an ambitious study issued a decade ago, exploring what a sustainable world would look like in mid-century, how […]

Low-carbon transition and business leadership: insights from the first TCFD Summit in Japan

Last Tuesday 8 October the first-ever TCFD Summit was held in Tokyo, convening around 300 global attendees from government, business, investors and civil society to advance discussions around corporate disclosure on climate change.

From purpose to action: making the transition to a flourishing society

e recent Business Roundtable Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation recognizes that companies have responsibility to a broad range of stakeholders – such as customers, employees, suppliers and the environment – on par with their responsibility to shareholders.

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