Reporting matters 2016

WBCSD is working with its member companies and partners to provide business with the necessary tools that will influence investment decision-making to reward more sustainable companies.

Reporting matters América Latina

Scaling up effective non-financial reporting globally: A Latin American perspective Geneva, December 15 2015 – Reporting matters 2015, a new publication by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) developed in partnership with consultants Radley Yeldar, shows that the effectiveness of corporate non-financial reporting is improving among leading companies, but there remains work to […]

Reporting matters 2014

Reporting Matters 2014 is the outcome of the second review of the WBCSD members’ sustainability or integrated reports covering 162 world-leading companies from more than 20 sectors and 35 countries. The publication aims to help businesses realize the value of reporting by showcasing how progressive companies are using the reporting process to drive change inside their businesses, and […]

Reporting matters – WBCSD 2013 Baseline Report

In the face of unprecedented global, regional and local sustainability challenges, the need for transparent and effective non-financial reporting has never been more urgent. In partnership with Radley Yeldar, the WBCSD has conducted one of the largest independent research projects of corporate non-financial reporting, entitled Reporting Matters – WBCSD 2013 Baseline Report.   Reporting Matters, launched at the WBCSD’s Council meeting in […]

Measuring Socio-Economic Impact: A guide for business

In addition to the WBCSD Measuring Impact Framework, more and more tools are being developed to help companies measure socio-economic impact, and it can be difficult for managers to compare and choose among them. The tools available today are incredibly diverse. They are based on different assumptions, they offer different functionality, they focus on different […]

Translating ESG into sustainable business value

This document outlines the findings and key insights of a series of global workshops between business, investors and stakeholders about the environmental, social and governance (ESG) and sustainability aspects of company performance evaluation. These workshops build on the learnings of the WBCSD, UNEP FI and key stakeholders from their work on ESG and sustainability reporting and disclosure, and responsible investment through […]

Beyond Reporting: Creating business value & accountability

Companies can turn regulatory compliance and heightened corporate governance efforts into opportunities that create value for their businesses, according to a new report from the WBCSD. Companies now invest heavily in time and money to comply with increased levels of regulation and expectations of improved corporate governance. Yet the push to make companies more “accountable,” […]

Sustainable Development Reporting: Striking the balance

This report answers the worldwide call on companies for greater accountability and transparency by explaining why and how reporting can help turn the recent wave of boardroom scandals into renewed boardroom trust. It is both a guide to help companies produce reports and a policy document offering insights into the reporting standardization debate. The report’s […]

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