São Paulo Roundtable on Financing Deforestation- and Conversion-free Soy Production

07 November 2024, value chain actors representing soy supply chain companies (including input companies, agribusinesses, manufacturers, retailers and consumer goods companies), financial institutions and expert NGOs convened at a roundtable in Sao Paulo. During this session, participants discussed a multi-stakeholder financial strategy for deforestation- and conversion-free DCF soy production in the Brazilian Cerrado.   This 2-page […]

Maximizing financial and environmental returns: A collaborative strategy for Brazilian soy production

The Brazilian Cerrado, one of the most biodiverse biomes on earth, has been transformed into a hotspot for industrial agriculture, accounting for 60% of Brazil’s agricultural production and 54% of Brazilian soy yields. This expansion does not come without a cost – it has driven deforestation and conversion of more than half of the Cerrado’s […]

Soft Commodities Forum Progress Report, December 2024

The Soft Commodities Forum (SCF) enables collaboration between six leading agribusinesses to identify solutions to eliminate deforestation and conversion in soy landscapes in the Brazilian Cerrado, operating alongside an advisory group that includes the Accountability Framework Initiative, the Brazilian Rural Society, GIZ Brazil, SustainCERT and the Tropical Forest Alliance. The Cerrado is one of Earth’s […]

Scaling Impact: The Soft Commodities Forum Expands its Scope to the Entire Cerrado

Leia em português – Ampliando Impacto: O Soft Commodities Forum Expande seu Escopo para Todo o Cerrado The Soft Commodities Forum (SCF) announces its decision to expand land use monitoring and reporting to the entire Cerrado biome, covering over 200 million hectares (Mha). It is reinforcing its commitment toward forest-positive landscape transformation and the preservation of the Cerrado. Starting with 25 […]

Producer Perspectives: Striving for Financial and Environmental Balance in the Western Mato Grosso Cerrado

Leia em português – Perspectivas do Produto: Em busca do equilíbrio financeiro e ambiental no Cerrado do Oeste Mato-Grossense In Western Mato Grosso, Brazil, producer Leandro Bortoluzzi, from Lajeada Farm, has adopted a series of sustainable practices and looks forward to clearer rules for the carbon market.  Leandro is one of several agricultural pioneers who seek upskilling and […]

Interview with Ricardo Mastroti: The Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development (CEBDS) Executive Director

Leia em português – Entrevista com Ricardo Mastroti: Diretor Executivo do Conselho Empresarial Brasileiro para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável (CEBDS) In this interview, Ricardo Mastroti, Executive Director of The Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development (CEBDS), discusses how government policies can effectively support the integration of nature-based solutions into broader climate strategies in key Brazilian biomes such as the Amazon and Cerrado. With over […]