Members of the Soft Commodities Forum deliver progress on soy supply chain traceability to track deforestation and conversion risks in the Cerrado

In their December 2021 progress report, published today, members of WBCSD’s Soft Commodities Forum (SCF) reaffirm their commitments to increase the transparency and traceability of their Cerrado-sourced soy supply chains, to track sourcing where there are the highest risks of deforestation and conversion.

Business is ready to step up investment in nature

Nature can account for over 30% of the emissions reductions needed to align with the Paris Agreement between now and 2030; it supports our food systems, healthy communities, and biodiversity. The science is clear that the health of the planet is declining at rates never seen in human history and that it is putting our […]

Soft Commodities Forum Progress Report

The Soft Commodities Forum (SCF) brings together leading global agribusiness to find collective solutions to some of the most pressing sustainability challenges in their value chain.

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