Mobility for Development (Executive summary)

The WBCSD studied the state of mobility in four rapidly growing cities in the developing world – Bangalore, Dar es Salaam, Sao Paulo and Shanghai. Its final report concludes that although mobility opportunities are increasing and are an important driver of economic development in all cities, overall mobility systems are not sustainable and for poorer […]

Mobility for Development: Facts and trends briefing

This briefing provides an overview of key issues and data related to the challenge of developing sustainable mobility solutions to enable economic development and social progress.  2007, 20 pages View Briefing

Mobility 2030: Meeting the challenges to sustainability (Full Report 2004)

Mobility 2030 is the final report of the WBCSD’s Sustainable Mobility project. The report provides a vision of global road transportation covering the mobility of people, goods and services. It identifies seven sustainable mobility goals and establishes a set of indicators to help measure the effectiveness of the various options. Also available in Japanese and […]

Mobility 2001: overview

This report provides a ‘snapshot’ of current worldwide mobility, and identifies major threats to its continued expansion. The report is part of the long-term goal of developing a vision of more sustainable mobility in the future. Also available in Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese and Spanish. 2001, 36 pages View Overview (ENG) View Overview (GER) […]

Mobility 2001: executive summary

This report provides a ‘snapshot’ of current worldwide mobility, and identifies major threats to its continued expansion. The report is part of the long-term goal of developing a vision of more sustainable mobility in the future. Also available in Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese and Spanish. 2001, 4 pages View Executive Summary (ENG) View Executive […]

Mobility 2030: Meeting the challenges to sustainability (Overview 2004)

Mobility 2030 is the final report of the WBCSD’s Sustainable Mobility project. The report provides a vision of global road transportation covering the mobility of people, goods and services. It identifies seven sustainable mobility goals and establishes a set of indicators to help measure the effectiveness of the various options. Also available in Chinese, French, […]