WBCSD to develop climate reference scenario approach for food, agriculture and forestry companies

WBCSD is spearheading a project with leading businesses to develop a climate reference scenario approach for food, agriculture and forestry companies, leveraging food system transformation, forest solutions, TCFD and energy-related scenario experience.

TCFD recommendations continue to play a key role in accelerating the transition to a low-carbon society

12 October 2020: Last week’s TCFD Summit in Japan was certainly timely: the pandemic has been highlighting our unpreparedness for systemic risks, and recent natural disasters such as wildfires and floods are giving a new urgency to addressing the climate emergency, driving innovation and achieving the transition to a low-carbon economy.

Building resilience: key players across the construction sector share TCFD implementation experience

Geneva, Switzerland, 1 July 2020: Today, through collaboration with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), leading construction and building materials companies provide an in-depth look at climate-related disclosure in: “Construction and Building Materials TCFD Preparer Forum: Communicating collective and individual climate-related challenges and action”. As part of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures […]

Disclosure in a time of system transformation: Climate-related financial disclosure for food, agriculture and forest products companies

The production, transformation and distribution of food, agriculture and forest products are routine and essential aspects of global society. These sectors are critical for people’s health, survival and well-being, providing food, buildings, packaging and infrastructure. They also support the livelihoods of millions of people through their multi-tiered and complex value chains. The Food, Agriculture and […]

Key players across food, agriculture and forest products sectors share TCFD implementation experience

Geneva, 9 April 2020: Today, leading food, agriculture and forest products companies, through collaboration with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), provide an in-depth look at climate-related disclosure in the new report Disclosure in a time of system transformation: TCFD disclosure for food, agriculture and forest products companies. As part of the Task Force […]