Danone, Firmenich SA and Unilever recognized as global sustainability leaders with triple A score by CDP

WBCSD members Danone, Firmenich S.A and Unilever are among the only six companies in the world to have obtained a “triple A” score by CDP in recognition of their leading environmental efforts in tackling climate change, fighting deforestation and protecting water cycles.

The triangle that will fix capitalism

It is remarkable how the agenda in this 50th edition of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting has shifted towards calling for a move to stakeholder capitalism, as issued by Klaus Schwab in the new Davos Manifesto.

Staying competitive in a fast-changing world

he World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) today launched Staying competitive in a fast-changing world – Practical steps for future-proofing your business.

Low-carbon transition and business leadership: insights from the first TCFD Summit in Japan

Last Tuesday 8 October the first-ever TCFD Summit was held in Tokyo, convening around 300 global attendees from government, business, investors and civil society to advance discussions around corporate disclosure on climate change.

Peter Bakker presents Prime Minister of Japan with message of intent emerging from three key summits focusing on the transition to a low-carbon society

Tokyo, 9 October 2019: At a specially convened Green Innovation Summit in Tokyo today, Peter Bakker, President and CEO of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), presented the Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe, with a message from leaders of three landmark events taking place in Tokyo this week, each of which brought together […]

First-ever TCFD Summit to accelerate progress on climate-related financial disclosures

Tokyo, 8 October 2019: At the invitation of the Prime Minister of Japan and the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the TCFD Consortium of Japan convened the first-ever TCFD Summit in Tokyo on 8 October 2019. The Summit gathered over 300 attendees with a view to […]

Major players across chemical and electric utility sectors share TCFD implementation experience

Today, through collaboration with WBCSD, eleven leading companies across chemical and electric utility sectors provide an in-depth look at climate-related financial disclosure in two landmark reports.

Peter Bakker addresses G20 Ministerial Meeting in Japan

Underscoring the need for business leadership to enable the virtuous cycle between sustainable business solutions and economic growth at the G20 Ministerial Meeting on Energy Transitions and Global Environment for Sustainable Growth Karuizawa, Japan, 15 June 2019 – At the invitation of the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), WBCSD’s President and CEO Peter Bakker […]