Plastic pollution and corporate accountability: toward harmonized disclosure metrics

The negotiations on an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution are starting in Punta del Este, Uruguay – with the first session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-1) kicking off on 28 November.

A collaborative step toward ending plastic pollution

The momentum is high as negotiations on a UN Treaty on plastic pollution will start this year. It is a unique opportunity to develop a global policy framework that will align businesses and governments behind a shared understanding of the causes of plastic pollution and a clear approach to addressing them.

Alliance to End Plastic Waste Releases 2020 Progress Report

WBCSD is proud to be a founding strategic partner of the Alliance to End Plastic Waste and accelerating solutions to end plastic waste. We continue to offer strategic advice to the Alliance to ensure business mobilization in stepping up to the challenge and making decisions to tackle an important environmental and social challenge. Therefore, we […]

Alliance to End Plastic Waste appoints Jacob Duer as President and CEO

Former UN Leader Will Focus New Not-for-Profit on Developing, Accelerating, and Deploying Solutions to Eliminate Plastic Waste in the Environment WASHINGTON, D.C., 22 August 2019 – The Alliance to End Plastic Waste today announced that Jacob Duer will serve as the inaugural President and CEO of the newly formed not-for-profit, effective  October.  Duer joins the AEPW from […]

New global alliance commits over USD $1 billion to help end plastic waste in the environment; sets goal of investing USD $1.5 billion

16 January 2019: An alliance of global companies from the plastics and consumer goods value chain today launched a new organization to advance solutions to eliminate plastic waste in the environment, especially in the ocean. The cross value chain Alliance to End Plastic Waste (AEPW), currently made up of nearly thirty member companies, has committed over […]

Business, plastics and waste management – the sustainability dream team?

There’s a reason we call our home the “Blue Planet.” Oceans cover most of Earth’s surface and generate roughly 70% of the oxygen in our atmosphere. They regulate our climate and provide many of the environmental processes that enable life as we know it – but there’s a problem. Our oceans are in trouble. You’ve probably […]