Tire Industry Project publishes report on environmental performance of tire manufacturing

Geneva, 16 November 2019: The Tire Industry Project (TIP) has published its fourth report on environmental key performance indicators (KPIs) linked to TIP member manufacturing activities 2009-2019. The report updates on the overall evolution of TIP member environmental performance for tire manufacturing operations. It employs KPIs covering energy and water use and their sources, and the […]

GPSNR: New policy framework drives commitment to sustainable natural rubber production, sourcing

Singapore, 23 September 2020: Members of the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR) have convened the annual General Assembly, which saw the approval of a members’ sustainability policy framework and the creation of a new membership category for smallholder producers of natural rubber. The newly approved policy framework will help GPSNR member companies, who account for […]

Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber to vote for increased smallholder inclusion at 2nd General Assembly

Singapore, 14 September 2020: The Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR) will convene its 2nd General Assembly virtually on 23 September 2020. The event will bring together more than 80 members of the Platform, representing various sectors of the natural rubber industry, including natural rubber processors and traders, tire manufacturers, and car manufacturers, as well […]

Sharing 15 years of tire and road wear particle research

Geneva, 23 July 2020:  The Tire Industry Project (TIP) is the primary global forum for the tire industry on sustainability issues. Marking our 15th anniversary, we are sharing, free-of-charge, our scientific research on tire and road wear particles (TRWP), eliminating the fees often required to review scientific papers. Peer-reviewed studies from more than a decade of […]

Tire Industry Project releases 2019 Global End-of-Life-Tire Management report

Geneva, 4 December 2019: The Tire Industry Project (TIP) has published its 2019 report on the global state of End-of-Life Tire (ELT) management. Using data on ELT management practices from 45 countries, the report “Global ELT Management – A global state of knowledge on regulation, management systems, impacts of recovery and technologies”, includes: The report updates […]

Host transition for GPSNR

The Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR) is an international, multi-stakeholder, voluntary membership organization, with the mission to lead improvements in the socio-economic and environmental performance of the natural rubber value chain. Its development was initiated in November 2017 by the CEOs of the member companies of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development […]

Tire CEOs reaffirm commitment to research for sustainability, recognize Tire Industry Project achievements

Kyoto, 22 November 2019: Today, CEOs of eleven leading tire manufacturers met to review progress and confirm the ongoing mandate of the leading global forum for tire manufacturers on sustainability issues. Founded in 2005, the Tire Industry Project (TIP) is a global CEO-led initiative undertaken by leading tire manufacturing companies to research potential human health and […]