Tire industry backs new standards for better environmental labelling

First-of-their-kind Product Category Rules improve standardization, transparency of tire life-cycle environmental impact. Geneva, 2 July 2018: The Tire Industry Project (TIP) welcomes today’s launch of new Product Category Rules (PCRs) for the tire industry. Commissioned by the TIP and developed and published by internationally respected UL Environment, the PCRs ensure compliance to information and transparency standards when […]

Tire Manufacturing 2009-2021

Environmental Key Performance Indicators for Tire Manufacturing 2009-2021 The Tire Industry Project has commissioned an independent third party to identify and report on environmental key performance indicators (KPIs) related to tire manufacturing operations. This fifth TIP report on environmental KPIs presents an up-to-date vision of the evolution of the sector’s environmental performance for its tire […]

Leading tire company CEOs announce continued progress on research projects

San Francisco, California, USA, 17 November 2017: Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of leading tire companies meeting here today announced the latest results of ongoing international research projects studying the potential health and environmental impacts of tires. The eleven CEOs form the Tire Industry Project (TIP), which was founded in 2005 to identify and offer solutions to sustainability challenges […]

Tire industry engaged in sustainable development and CO2 reduction

The Tire Industry Project (TIP), gathering 11 leading tire companies working under the umbrella of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), recently celebrated its 10th anniversary.  TIP, along with its individual member companies, has made strides in its environmental work during the past decade, promoting a common approach for managing the most relevant environmental topics […]

Leading tire company CEOs announce continued progress on research projects addressing key sustainability issues

Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of leading tire companies meeting here today announced the latest results of ongoing international research projects studying the potential environmental and health impacts of tires. Chantilly, 9 October 2015: Highlights of the recent research shows, based on a comprehensive risk assessment that: The CEOs formed the Tire Industry Project (TIP) in 2005. […]

New nanomaterials promise a sustainable future for the tyre industry and the transport sector

According to a recent report by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Geneva, 4 August 2014:  the use of new nanomaterials in tyre production could help foster the sustainability of the tyre industry and reduce the environmental impact of vehicles, if the potential environmental, health and safety risks of the technology are managed carefully. WBCSD welcomes the OECD report entitled Nanotechnology and Tyres: Greening […]

Leading tire company CEOs announce positive results from continuing ambitious research projects on sustainability issues

Tire company CEOs announce additional results from their ongoing international research project studying the potential environmental and health impacts of tires. Kyoto, Japan, 11 October  2013 – The research shows, based on a comprehensive risk assessment that: CEOs from the world’s leading tire companies in Europe, Japan, Korea and North America met in Kyoto, Japan on October […]

Michelin publishes case study on their experimentation center’s preservation policy

In order to ensure customer satisfaction and safety, Michelin must evaluate the performance of its products on test tracks. Geneva, 27 November  2012 – Its centre d’Expériences Michelin Almería (CEMA) experimentation center in Almeria, southern Spain, set up in 1973, occupies 4,500 hectares in a beautiful desert area with the lowest rainfall in Europe. Michelin decided to integrate preservation of this area […]

Leading tire company CEOs announce positive results from ambitious research projects on sustainability issues

Tire company CEOs announce results from an international research project studying the potential environmental and health impacts of tire materials and tire road wear particles. Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, USA, 12 October 2011 –The research shows: CEOs from eleven of the world’s leading tire companies in Europe, Japan, Korea and North America met outside Washington, DC on October 7 […]