Reflections from COP26: How we can transform the built environment to net zero

This week, the world is looking to Glasgow in the UK to witness the discussions and decisions of one of the most critical conferences for humankind, the 26th Conference of the Parties to the UN Climate Convention (COP26).

The business case for circular buildings is positive if true cost and value are accounted for on a life-cycle basis – new report says

A new report by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) lays out the business case for circular buildings by showing the interconnection between social, environmental and economic value.

World Circular Economy Forum 2021 – Summary of WBCSD contribution

The World Circular Economy Forum 2021 organized by the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra and Environment and Climate Change Canada was centered on the theme of  ‘Game changers! Seizing the circular opportunity’.

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