Companies unite to advance truck electrification in India and signal demand for 7,700 electric freight vehicles by 2030

Fifteen prominent companies have come together under the Zero Emission Vehicles Emerging Markets Initiative (ZEV-EMI) and the Indian government’s E-FAST (Electric Freight Accelerator for Sustainable Transport) initiative to advance the electrification of the truck market in India.

A global view for transport and sustainable mobility

This article was originally published by CECODES, WBCSD’s Global Network partner in Colombia. According to the World Resource Institute, by 2021 one of the activities that generates the greatest number of emissions is road transport (12.5% ​​of total emissions). According to WBCSD, more than 80% of people living in cities are exposed to air pollution levels […]

New guidance developed by 30+ global companies to support GHG emissions data sharing across the logistics value chain

Today at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, Smart Freight Centre and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) released a new guidance, titled End-to-End GHG Reporting of Logistics Operations, to advance the quantification and sharing of logistics emissions and support the logistics industry on their journey to net-zero emissions.

Financing charging infrastructure

This white paper, developed in collaboration with members of the WBCSD’s Transport Decarbonization project, outlines existing and emerging infrastructure business models and financing mechanisms available to companies and policymakers investing in charging infrastructure.

New initiative to accelerate transition to zero-emission transport in emerging and developing economies

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the U.S. and U.K. Governments launched an initiative to support businesses and governments in emerging markets to step up efforts to transition to zero-emission vehicles, leveraging more than USD $50 billion of planned investments.