WBCSD recommendations align with new policy guidelines on EV charging in India

Ministry of Power in India announced revised guidelines to support EV charging infrastructure, several of which are consistent with WBCSD’s consensus-based policy recommendations published in June 2021.  Geneva/New Delhi, 3 February – On 14 January 2022, the Ministry of Power in India announced a set of revised guidelines to accelerate the deployment of accessible and affordable […]

Mobility system change in Lisbon

Urban populations are growing, and the mobility systems they rely on — to access jobs, schools, healthcare and social life – must transform to tackle the climate emergency, the loss of nature and mounting inequality.

Vision 2050 Transportation & Mobility Pathway: We can keep on moving, smarter

An interview with Thomas Deloison, Director Mobility at the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), by Wei Dong Zhou, Director WBCSD China Earlier this year WBCSD launched Vision 2050: Time to Transform – a framework for business action in line with the urgency of the challenges that we face as global societies. It offers companies comprehensive and ambitious guidance on how […]

Policy making for data sharing

he demand for mobility will grow significantly in the coming years, but our urban transportation systems are at their limits. Increasing digitalization and data sharing in urban mobility can help governments and businesses to respond to this challenge and accelerate the transition toward sustainability.

A policy research agenda for automotive circularity

While cars may never be fully carbon neutral, the automotive industry can significantly reduce its carbon footprint by adopting a high degree of circularity to deliver economic, societal and ecological dividends.

E-mobility as a case study for greener, more resilient economies

The global onset of COVID-19 has drastically affected all of us — through the fabric of our daily lives, and also through its reverberations in economic systems on local and global scales. Green, innovative, agile and scalable solutions are being demanded of our governments, our employers and our societies. As the last decade has proven, […]

WBCSD and the International Transport Forum to collaborate on emerging mobility trends and Mobility as a Service

Geneva, 18 March 2020: The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) this week signed a letter of voluntary contribution with the International Transport Forum (ITF), to facilitate the co-production of a case-specific policy analysis study that will map emerging trends across transport modes and help navigate the new mobility landscape. ITF is the leading global body […]

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