Water Circularity Metric

Circular water management has gained attention in recent years as an approach to address challenges related to water quantity, quality and value from a context-based perspective.

Circular Transition Indicators v2.0

WBCSD and 30 companies shaped the Circular Transition Indicators (CTI) v2.0 to support business need for a universal and consistent way to measure its circularity.

WBCSD’s COVID-19 Response Program

The objective of the Vital Supply Chains issue brief is to guide companies through the disruptions and systemic risks arising from COVID-19.

The impact of COVID-19 on food supply chains: challenges and opportunities for the private sector

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) has released today at the second CEO consultation for the UN Food System Summit an issue brief exploring the barriers and opportunities that have arisen from COVID-19 and impacted food systems.

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