The Reporting Exchange wins honors from UNCTAD for progressing sustainability and SDG reporting


24 October, 2018




Geneva, Switzerland 25 October 2018: Today, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) awarded the Reporting Exchange top honors for its contribution to progressing sustainability and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) through its efforts to help companies report on sustainability.

The International Standards of Accounting and Reporting “ISAR” Honors is a new initiative that UNCTAD launched earlier this year to raise awareness of good practices in sustainability and SDG reporting by companies.

Rodney Irwin, Managing Director of WBCSD’s Redefining Value program said, “We are thrilled to be recognized for this collaborative project that supports the meaningful integration of ESG information into companies’ reporting cycles and processes. It’s a testament to the hard work the team and partners have carried out, and the role that reporting can and does play in building a more sustainable future.“

This award comes a year after the launch of the Reporting Exchange, which was built through collaboration between WBCSD, the Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB) and Ecodesk.

The project is funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore foundation.

The Reporting Exchange is the most comprehensive source of information on sustainability reporting requirements and resources currently available. It helps business and investors navigate the often-confusing world of corporate reporting by bringing clarity and tailored information to users.

In addition to encouraging and facilitating the integration of sustainability information into company’s reporting process, the comprehensive database allows national and regional analysis of reporting developments, gaps and best practice. The seven Reporting Exchange country case studies and three research reports can be found here.

Visit the and sign up for more information on the global resource for corporate sustainability reporting.