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Tire Industry Project appoints new Assurance Group to guide scientific work


29 October, 2019




Geneva, 29 October 2019: The Tire Industry Project (TIP) has appointed new members to its Assurance Group, a team of independent scientists that guides the scientific relevance and robustness of TIP’s work.

Meeting in Geneva, representatives of Tire Industry Project (TIP) member companies confirmed their selection of two new respected scientists who will join three existing Assurance Group members to provide independent guidance and advice to ensure TIP projects maintain a high level of scientific integrity, quality, independence and accountability.

The Assurance Group helps guide the TIP work plan, advises on study design and methodologies, and provides review of scientific papers and reports. Members are selected based on the relevance of their individual expertise to TIP work and their citation impact.

The appointment of the new Assurance Group comes one month before the biennial meeting of TIP member company CEOs, who meet to review TIP progress and approve a two-year work plan that is shaped with guidance from the Assurance Group members.

TIP confirmed the continued membership for the 2020-21 work cycle of the following Assurance Group members:

  • Prof John Spengler (Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, USA);
  • Dr Emeric Frejafon (Bureau des Recherches Géologiques et Minières, and Chairman of the European Committee for Standardization Technical Committee on Nanotechnologies, France); and 
  • Dr Lailai Li (retired, previously World Resources Institute China, China).

TIP also named and welcomed the two new Assurance Group members:

  • Prof Masahiko Hirao (University of Tokyo, Department of Chemical Systems Engineering School of Engineering, Japan), and
  • Prof How Yong Ng (Director, National University of Singapore Environmental Research Institute, Singapore)

TIP member company representatives expressed gratitude to outgoing Assurance Group members Prof Taketoshi Taniguchi (University of Tokyo, Policy Alternatives Research Institute, Japan) and Prof Maria Blettner (Institute of Medical Biometry, Epidemiology and Informatics, Germany) for the important guidance they provided during their time on the TIP Assurance Group, since 2011 and 2013 respectively.
