Tire Industry Project publishes second report on tire manufacturing environmental performance


18 February, 2019




Geneva, 18 February 2019: The Tire Industry Project (TIP) has published a report on the environmental key performance indicators (KPIs) linked to TIP member manufacturing activities.

This is the second TIP report on environmental KPIs; it aims to update on the overall evolution of TIP member environmental performance for tire manufacturing operations by sharing absolute and intensity KPIs. Covering 2009-2017, this report builds on the first TIP KPI report that was published in 2017 and covered 2009-2015.

The report identifies trends including:

  • Successful disassociation of CO2 emissions from energy consumption since 2014
  • Significant water-intake reductions from 2013
  • Overall decrease in the units of energy/water consumption or CO2 emission per unit of production since 2009

TIP commissions the KPI report to provide a common set of measurements that can be used to assist individual company efforts to improve tire manufacturing environmental performance.

The report is available here.
