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Vision 2050 Connectivity Pathway: We can connect people


05 August, 2021


WBCSD insights



Constant Van Aerschot

  1. Connectivity empowers everyone.
  2. Data optimizes performance and efficiency.
  3. Sustainable development can be tracked and managed.
  4. Connectivity respects people and the environment.
  1. Collaborate with governments, sector peers, and financial institutions to deliver the infrastructure and service offerings needed to ensure affordable, reliable internet connectivity for all.
  2. Collaborate with governments on wider initiatives to expand digital literacy and address the digital skills gap, particularly for underrepresented groups.
  3. Collaborate across the ICT sector, and with civil society and governments, to build transparent and impartial infrastructure for monitoring the state of the natural world and understanding impacts in real-time.
  4. Harness the power of emerging digital technologies to advance supply chain transparency and traceability mechanisms and drive open access to data.
  5. Implement and help shape emerging best practices to ensure that data is safeguarded throughout the value chain and that people’s right to privacy is protected.
  6. Convert all data centers to 100% net-zero energy. 
  7. Continue to implement and enhance efforts to conduct human rights due diligence throughout the connectivity value chain in line with the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights.
  8. Embrace circular economy principles to prevent exponential growth in e-waste and depletion of natural resources.
  9. Engage with workers in the process of designing, adopting, and working with new digital technologies, and equip them with the skills they need to benefit from these technologies.
  10. Adopt stringent policies and practices to stem the spread of disinformation and take concrete steps to protect users from online crime, extremism, hate speech, discrimination, and cyber-bullying.
