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Vision 2050 Financial Products & Services Pathway: We can all invest in our future


18 October, 2021


WBCSD insights



Dr Rodney Irwin

  1. Advocate for an enabling sustainable finance policy environment that supports transparency, evolution of concepts of fiduciary duty and strategic approaches to valuing externalities.
  2. Companies incorporate ESG-related risks and opportunities and natural, social and human capital impacts and dependencies into accounting processes and valuation assumptions.
  3. Asset owners build clear and consistent ESG requirements and performance metrics into the instructions given to investment consultants and asset managers.
  4. Retail and investment banks embed sustainability throughout their business models, developing a range of sustainable finance instruments, ensuring their own loans and investments are sustainable, and developing robust analysis of ESG factors on the sell side. 
  5. Corporates and investors come together with standard-setters and regulators to develop clear guidance on the specification, consistency, and comparability of decision-useful sustainability-related information and communication.
  6. Identify and address incentives that reward and give rise to short-term financial performance outcomes at the expense of sustainable development.
  7. Credit ratings agencies enhance their analysis of the ESG risk exposure of sectors and companies for a range of issues including climate change, human rights, nature loss, and water scarcity.
  8. Support professional development standards and codes of ethics that support sustainable finance capabilities and behaviors.
  9. Develop investment allocation transparency for beneficiaries, pension holders and other retail investors, so that they can see where and how their money is invested, as well as associated sustainability-related impacts.
  10. Facilitate access at scale to financial products and services, using accessibility as a fundamental design principle to support equity and financial inclusion while also exploring new partnerships and initiatives to enhance financial literacy globally.

These actions are all aligned with the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, translating SDG ambitions and targets into clearly actionable areas of business activity.
