Global Network

12 January, 2017Type
PublicationThe WBCSD’s Global Network is an alliance of more than 60 CEO-led business organizations worldwide. The Network, encompassing some 5,000 companies, is united by a shared commitment to provide business leadership for sustainable development in their respective countries and regions.
While WBCSD works at the global level toward accelerating the transition to a sustainable world by making more sustainable business more successful, the members of the Global Network, through their local and regional initiatives and activities, help to promote sustainable development at the local and regional levels. Together, WBCSD and its Global Network partners create the global-local linkages necessary to promote business solutions for a sustainable world.
This brochure features some of the most important contributions of Global Network partners to WBCSD’s work programs and projects throughout 2016. We have categorized the contributions into 5 specific areas:
- Implementation
- Local expertise and connections
- Communication
- Events and workshops
- Member engagement and recruitment
Throughout 2017, several activities will be put in place to strengthen the value proposition, effectiveness and impact of the Global Network.
This includes a consolidation of the number of partners across the globe; featuring of the Global Network online and in social media; translation of key WBCSD documents and publications; and targeted engagement in national roll-out strategies of WBCSD projects.
A recently launched internal collaboration platform on Yammer will be scaled up throughout the Global Network. The core objective of this intranet is to facilitate knowledge and best practice sharing among partners, expand the reach of their respective communication messages, as well as strengthen regional and cross-regional collaboration around projects and events.
As an important catalyst for local business action at scale, the Global Network will continue to feed into WBCSD’s work on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Network will support WBCSD in scaling up the use of the SDG Compass across their respective constituencies, help WBCSD deepening the understanding of the evolving SDG landscape globally, as well as engage local business and policy actors to boost SDG implementation on the ground.
The WBCSD Council Meeting in Mexico City, taking place in October, will provide a suitable platform to showcase leading sustainable business practices across the Americas, leveraging the presence of Global Network partners in almost each of the continent’s countries.
More information
- The Global Network website features key information of all our partners, as well as Global Network related news and publications.
- The Global Network partner platform allows for a more profound insight into the priority areas and work programs of each partner organization.
- WBCSD contact: Karolina Södergren, Associate, Social Capital –